World Prematurity Day Nov 17th 2017
Friday November 17th is World Prematurity Day – a day to raise awareness of preterm births and the consequences it may have on babies, mothers, as well as their families.

Premature births not only impact American families, but effect families worldwide. Premature birth is the number one cause of death in children under age 5 worldwide. The impact of premature births goes beyond risk of death, as babies who are born preterm and survive usually have more health issues than babies born on time. These health issues may be long term and can effect vital body parts like the brain, lungs, hearing or vision.
However, there is hope! Research, treatments and support methods can save babies lives and reduce the risk of premature births. In fact, Garden Ob/Gyn is a leader in research and preventative measures for preterm births. We have developed guidelines for screening and monitoring pregnancies that reduce the risk of preterm births. As a result, our practice's incidence of preterm births is below the national average!
If you're pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant, and are worried about preterm births, trust that we may be able to help reduce your risk. Book an OB appointment with us to find out more.
Learn More From The March Of Dimes And World Health Organization: