What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?
Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

STDs/STIs are caused by a number of microbes including, parasites, yeast, and bacteria that are contracted through various forms of sexual intercourse. There are many different types of STDs, but some of the most common ones consist of Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, HIV, HPV, Syphillis, and Trichomoniasis.
A sexually transmitted disease can affect both males and females. In certain scenarios, the impact of having an STD can be worse for a woman if she is pregnant when she contracts the STD because it can cause many health problems for her baby.
If you are diagnosed with an STD, which can be determined by a blood test, there is no need to worry. Most STDs can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medicine. The antibiotic works to help treat the symptoms of the STD or STI, and it is also used to keep the disease under a certain control. In many cases, the infection will be gone once the full antibiotic course is completed.
Practicing safe sex and using latex condoms will reduce the risk of catching an STD, but it will not completely prevent it from occurring. Statistics have shown that if you practice safe sex you reduce the risk of getting HIV by 80%. The most effective and sure way to prevent catching an STD is from practicing abstinence.
If you would like to learn more about STDs and STIs, or if you are sexually active and would like to get screened for STDs, we encourage you to book an appointment with one of our many expert Garden OB/GYN providers. There is no need to worry about your risk of contracting an STD - the Garden OB/GYN team is here to help you in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment!