New COVID-19 Protocol at Affiliated Hospitals
If you are planning to deliver a baby at Katz Women’s Hospital or a LIJ Hospital, you can visit our office to get a COVID-19 test or vaccine. To help our patients and communities stay safe, Garden OB/GYN is offering COVID-19 testing & vaccines.

To keep our obstetric patients informed, we would like to notify you that as of August 10th, 2021, Katz Women’s Hospital and most LIJ hospitals will be requiring vaccination cards or COVID-19 testing within 72 hours for visitors.
If you are planning to visit or deliver a baby at Katz Women’s Hospital or a LIJ Hospital, you can visit our office to get a COVID-19 test or vaccine. To help our patients and Long Island, Queens and Manhattan communities stay safe, Garden OB/GYN is offering COVID-19 testing, as well as COVID-19 vaccinations directly in our office.
If you or a loved one will be delivering your baby in Katz Women’s Hospital, or if you need a COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 PCR test or rapid test for any reason, Garden OB/GYN provides you easy access to testing and vaccinations.
Schedule a COVID-19 Test or Vaccine Online
OR text us to schedule your COVID-19 call or text for Vaccine/questions: 516-663-6400