A Few Things You Should Know If You're Pregnant During This Pandemic
Tips to stay healthy and safe during your pregnancy and this pandemic.

If you are currently pregnant during the current viral pandemic, you are likely feeling a wide range of emotions from excitement to fear and worry. This is something many of our patients are experiencing, so we are here to offer a few tips to stay healthy and safe during your pregnancy and this pandemic.
In alightment with CDC recommendations, Garden OBGYN strongly enoucrages:
- Limit your exposure. Limit your exposure to others and don't go anywhere that isn't absolutely necessary.
- Get Vaccinated. Our providers at Garden OB/GYN recommend the COVID-19 Vaccine regardless of how far along you are in your pregnancy.
- Get tested. If you feel sytmpoms or come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, Garden OB/GYN offers rapid testing and PCR testing at multiple of our offices - you can call to schedule an appointment.
- Visit your pregnancy doctor regularly. Staying on top of your obstetric (OB) visits is extremely important during these times. Our offices is taking stringent precautions to ensure the safety of our staff and patients so you can feel safe at all of your visits.
For during delivery and after you've had your baby, a few important things to keep in mind:
- Choose a delivery support person. During these times, hospitals have put in place stricter guidelines to reduce the amount of exposure to their staff and patients so we can recommend bringing one support person with you to the hospital. We also recommend picking a back-up support person just in case your first choice gets sick.
- Wear a mask. Anytime you leave your hospital room or if hospital staff is around.
- Ask others to wear a mask around your baby. When your baby is first born their immune system isn't as strong as ours, you should enforce people to wear a mask and sanitize their hands before coming in direct contact with your newly born baby.
- Consider breastfeeding. If possible, breastfeeding is helpful with strengthening your baby's immune system as breast milk is rich in antibodies that could help your baby fight infections.
Our team of Garden OB/GYN providers and staff throughout our Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island offices are here to support you trhoughout your entire pregnancy. For any questions about your pregnancy or how to cope throughout the pandemic, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office or bring your questions to your next pregnancy visit.