Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common infection that infects the genital and anal skin. There are more than 100 different kinds of HPV, which can be categorized as Low Risk HPV or High Risk HPV.
Can weekly antepartum testing decrease near term and term stillbirth? Terrani, MD, F. Gonzales, MD, J. Korman, MD, A. Dillon, RNMS Garden obstetrics and gynecology, New York, NY
Prematurity remains a major contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality. In 2007 the Institute of Medicine reported that the annual costs associated with preterm births exceed $26 billion.
The mainstay of the medical management of diabetes involves frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels with adjustment of diet and insulin therapy to achieve normoglycemia.
Garden OB/GYN is pleased to have attended the 2015 Prematurity Prevention Conference. We are proud to announce that we were accepted to present at this conferences’ poster session.
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