Yes, it is often safe to exercise during your pregnancy and can even be very beneficial, as long as you consult with your Obstetrician or pregnancy provider beforehand.
Vaginitis is inflammation or infection of the vagina. Learn more about Vaginitis in our latest blog post.
Votiva is a safe treatment that addresses both internal and external vaginal health issues, without needing surgery. Click to learn more.
Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact.
This past week, the weekly Garden OB/GYN clinicians' meeting was centered around treatment for Dyspareunia, more commonly known as painful intercourse.
We have a brand new website! Our new website offers all of the same features as before and more, but now in a more easy-to-use way.
A pap smear test is the best way to find out if you have cervical cancer.